Annotation replacers

This page explains how to use the AnnotationReplacer interface to dynamically replace custom annotations.

The AnnotationReplacer interface allows you to create dynamic annotations that can be replaced by other annotations at runtime. This feature is powerful for creating flexible and configurable annotations that are not restricted by static, compile-time constraints.


Interface Definition

public interface AnnotationReplacer<T extends Annotation> {

     * Returns a collection of annotations that will substitute the given annotation,
     * and be accessible in {@link AnnotationList#get(Class)}.
     * @param element    The element (method, parameter, class, etc.)
     * @param annotation The annotation to replace.
     * @return The list of replacing annotations. The collection may be null or empty.
    @Nullable Collection<Annotation> replaceAnnotation(@NotNull AnnotatedElement element, @NotNull T annotation);


How It Works

  1. Define Your Custom Annotation: Create an annotation that will be dynamically replaced.

  2. Implement the AnnotationReplacer Interface: Define how your custom annotation will be replaced with others.

  3. Register the Replacer: Use the builder to register your AnnotationReplacer with the framework.

  4. Apply the Custom Annotation: Use the custom annotation in your code, and it will be replaced dynamically by the specified annotations.

Example: Creating and Using @PluginCommand

In this example, we will create a custom @PluginCommand annotation that contains path, description, and usage attributes. We will then use an AnnotationReplacer to replace @PluginCommand with @Command, @Description, and @Usage annotations respectively.

Step 1: Define the @PluginCommand Annotation

public @interface PluginCommand {
    String path();
    String description();
    String usage();

Step 2: Implement the AnnotationReplacer for @PluginCommand

public class PluginCommandReplacer implements AnnotationReplacer<PluginCommand> {

    public Collection<Annotation> replaceAnnotation(AnnotatedElement element, PluginCommand annotation) {
        // Create the replacing annotations dynamically
        Annotation commandAnnotation = Annotations.create(Command.class, "value", annotation.path());
        Annotation descriptionAnnotation = Annotations.create(Description.class, "value", annotation.description());
        Annotation usageAnnotation = Annotations.create(Usage.class, "value", annotation.usage());

        return Arrays.asList(commandAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, usageAnnotation);

Step 3: Register the Replacer

    .annotationReplacer(PluginCommand.class, new PluginCommandReplacer())

Step 4: Using the @PluginCommand Annotation

    path = "example", 
    description = "An example command", 
    usage = "/example <arg>"
public void exampleCommand() {
    // Command implementation

In this example:

  • @PluginCommand is defined with path, description, and usage attributes.

  • The PluginCommandReplacer dynamically replaces @PluginCommand with @Command, @Description, and @Usage annotations.

  • The command method exampleCommand is annotated with @PluginCommand, which will be replaced at runtime.


The AnnotationReplacer interface provides a flexible way to dynamically replace annotations, allowing for powerful and configurable annotation setups. By creating and registering custom annotation replacers, you can enhance your command framework's capabilities and adapt annotations to your needs.

Last updated