This page describes how to integrate Lamp with JDA's slash commands, as well as what to expect out of it.

Setting up


  • Java 17 or newer

Adding Lamp dependency

To add Lamp to your project, add the following (depending on your project structure):

  <!-- Required for all platforms -->

  <!-- JDA module -->

Optional: Preserve parameter names

Lamp identifies parameters by their names and uses them to generate relevant command metadata. By default, Java does not preserve parameter names reflectively. You need to add the following to your project:

        <!-- Preserves parameter names -->

JDA-specific annotations


Defines up to 25 predefined choices for the parameter. The user can only provide one of the choices and cannot specify any other value.


Annotation for specifying the required Permissions for JDA slash commands


Marks a command as executable in guilds only.


Marks a command as NSFW

Supported JDA types

  • SlashCommandInteractionEvent and its subclasses in place of CommandActor

  • User and its subclasses in place of CommandActor

  • Member and its subclasses in place of CommandActor

  • MessageChannel and its subclasses in place of CommandActor

  • Role

  • User

  • Member

  • TextChannel

  • VoiceChannel

  • StageChannel

  • NewsChannel

  • ThreadChannel

  • ScheduledEvent

  • Category

  • Emoji


public static void main(String[] args) {
    JDA jda = JDABuilder.createDefault(args[0]).build();
    var lamp = JDALamp.builder().build();

    // register all our commands here
    lamp.register(new ModerationCommands());
    lamp.register(new LevelCommands());
    lamp.register(new RoleCommands());
    lamp.register(new SupportCommands());

    // after we register all commands, we *must* call this to
    // send our commands as slash commands
    // slashCommands is JDAVisitors#slashCommands. We
    // use static imports for brevity.

Example: /ban command

@Description("Bans the given user")
public void ban(
    SlashCommandActor actor,
    Member target,
    @Range(min = 1) long days
) {
    actor.replyToInteraction("User **" + target.getEffectiveName() + "** has been banned!").queue();

Which will also do client-side range validation:

Last updated