Orphan command

This page explains how to use orphan commands, which are commands defined without the @Command annotation and whose path will be determined dynamically at runtime.

Due to the nature of annotations, all commands and subcommands in a typical command framework must have known paths at compile-time. This requirement makes it impossible to create commands whose paths are dynamically determined, such as those sourced from configuration files or user input. The OrphanCommand API solves this limitation by allowing commands to have paths that are resolved at runtime.


What is an OrphanCommand?

An OrphanCommand is a command whose parent or path is not known at compile-time. Implementing the OrphanCommand interface signals to the framework (Lamp) that the command's path will be dynamically determined and should be resolved at runtime.

How to Register an OrphanCommand

To register an OrphanCommand, the command must be wrapped using the Orphans utility. This utility allows specifying the command path dynamically and is similar to using the @Command annotation but without the compile-time constraints.

Example Usage

  1. Implement the OrphanCommand Interface: Create a class that implements OrphanCommand and define your command methods within it.

  2. Register the Orphan Command: Use the Orphans.path() method to set the path for the orphan command dynamically.


Step 1: Implementing an OrphanCommand

public class Foo implements OrphanCommand {

    // ^^^
    // will get replaced with @Command("the path here")
    // at runtime
    public void onCommand(CommandActor actor) {
        // ...

    public void bar(CommandActor actor) {

In this example, Foo is an orphan command class with a subcommand bar.

Step 2: Registering the Orphan Command

var lamp = ...; // Initialize your Lamp instance

// Dynamically set the command path using Orphans.path()
lamp.register(Orphans.path(args[0]).handler(new Foo()));

Assuming args[0] is "buzz", the above code will register a command with the path "buzz".

Example Command Execution

> buzz bar

Orphans.path() Behavior

  • Orphans.path("foo", "bar") is equivalent to @Command("foo", "bar")

  • Orphans.path("foo bar", "buzz boom") is equivalent to @Command("foo bar", "buzz boom")

However, Orphans.path() can also accept strings that are not known at compile-time, such as values loaded from configuration files or provided by user input.


The OrphanCommand interface and Orphans utility enable dynamic command path registration, allowing for greater flexibility and configurability in command definitions. This feature is especially useful when command paths need to be determined at runtime, bypassing the compile-time limitations of traditional annotations.

Last updated