Exception handling

This page explains how to use exception handlers, which allow you to catch and handle exceptions that occur during command execution, and modify the default behavior for each exception.

CommandExceptionHandler Interface

The CommandExceptionHandler interface is a key component in Lamp that allows handling exceptions thrown during command execution. Each platform (e.g., Bukkit, Sponge, Velocity, JDA, etc.) has its own set of exceptions and a corresponding DefaultExceptionHandler extension tailored to handle those exceptions.


What is CommandExceptionHandler?

CommandExceptionHandler is a functional interface designed to handle any exceptions that may occur during command invocation. These exceptions can be standard Java exceptions or specific ones thrown by different components of the framework.

Default Exception Handlers

For each platform, there is a DefaultExceptionHandler extension that handles common exceptions relevant to that platform. Users should extend the respective platform's DefaultExceptionHandler to customize their exception handling.

For example:

  • Bukkit: BukkitExceptionHandler

  • Sponge: SpongeExceptionHandler

  • Velocity: VelocityExceptionHandler

  • JDA: SlashJDAExceptionHandler

  • and so on

How to Use

To create custom exception handling logic for your platform, follow these steps:

  1. Extend the DefaultExceptionHandler: Extend the default exception handler class provided for your platform.

  2. Add Custom Exception Handling: Use the @HandleException annotation to define methods that handle specific exceptions.

  3. Set the Exception Handler: Register your custom exception handler with the Lamp builder.

Example: Bukkit Platform

Here’s an example of how to create a custom exception handler for the Bukkit platform.

Step 1: Extend BukkitExceptionHandler

public class MyBukkitExceptionHandler extends BukkitExceptionHandler {

    public void onInvalidPlayer(InvalidPlayerException e, BukkitCommandActor actor) {
        actor.error(legacyColorize("&cInvalid player: &e" + e.input() + "&c."));

    public void onSomeCustomException(SomeCustomException e, BukkitCommandActor actor) {

In this example, MyBukkitExceptionHandler extends BukkitExceptionHandler and handles two exceptions: InvalidPlayerException and NoPermissionException.

Step 2: Register Your Custom Handler

var lamp = BukkitLamp.builder(this)
    .exceptionHandler(new MyBukkitExceptionHandler())

The exceptionHandler method in the Lamp builder registers your custom exception handler with the framework.

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