This page describes how to integrate Lamp with Bukkit (Spigot) and Paper, as well as what to expect out of it.
Notes on Brigadier
Lamp allows for native integration with Brigadier, which is Minecraft's new command system introduced in 1.13 that comes with colorful suggestions, client-side validation, and space-aware auto-completion.
However, because Bukkit does not provide supported APIs for that, Lamp has to rely on hacks for injecting commands.
You may need to depend on the brigadier module if you would like to customize the Brigadier integration.
Lamp's Brigadier integration is enabled by default for 1.13+ but with some nuances. Here is a support table:
Brigadier Supported
1.13 - 1.19
Setting up
Adding Lamp dependency
To add Lamp to your project, add the following (depending on your project structure):
dependencies {
// Required for all platforms
// Bukkit module
// Optional: Brigadier module
Optional: Preserve parameter names
Lamp identifies parameters by their names and uses them to generate relevant command metadata. By default, Java does not preserve parameter names reflectively. You need to add the following to your project:
compileJava {
// Preserve parameter names in the bytecode
options.compilerArgs += ["-parameters"]
// optional: if you're using Kotlin
compileKotlin {
kotlinOptions.javaParameters = true
tasks.withType<JavaCompile> {
// Preserve parameter names in the bytecode
// optional: if you're using Kotlin
tasks.withType<KotlinJvmCompile> {
compilerOptions {
javaParameters = true
Bukkit-specific annotations
Adds a command permission for the given command
Customizes the fallback prefix of a command
Bukkit uses this fallback prefix when two commands conflict with their main label, in which Bukkit would register it as /<fallback prefix>:command instead.
Supported Bukkit types
org.bukkit.command.CommandSender and its subclasses in place of CommandActor
org.bukkit.entity.Entity on 1.13+ (requires Brigadier)
public final class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
Lamp<BukkitCommandActor> lamp = BukkitLamp.builder(this).build();
lamp.register(new MyCommand());
public class MyCommand {
public void hello(BukkitCommandActor actor) {
// Command logic here
class MyPlugin : JavaPlugin() {
override fun onEnable() {
val lamp: Lamp<BukkitCommandActor> = BukkitLamp.builder(this)
class MyCommand {
fun hello(actor: BukkitCommandActor) {
// Command logic here