
This page describes how to integrate Lamp with Fabric, as well as what to expect out of it.

Setting up


  • Java 21 or newer

Adding Lamp dependency

To add Lamp to your project, add the following (depending on your project structure):

  <!-- Required for all platforms -->

  <!-- Fabric module -->
  <!-- Optional: Brigadier module -->

Optional: Preserve parameter names

Lamp identifies parameters by their names and uses them to generate relevant command metadata. By default, Java does not preserve parameter names reflectively. You need to add the following to your project:

        <!-- Preserves parameter names -->

Fabric-specific annotations


Adds a command permission level for the given command

Supported Fabric types

  • net.minecraft.server.command.ServerCommandSource and its subclasses in place of CommandActor

  • net.minecraft.server.network.ServerPlayerEntity

  • net.minecraft.world.World


public class MyMod implements ModInitializer {

    public void onInitialize() {
        var lamp = FabricLamp.builder(this).build();
        lamp.register(new MyCommand());

    public class MyCommand {

        @Description("Sends a hello message")
        public void hello(FabricCommandActor actor) {
            actor.reply("Hello from Fabric mod!");

Last updated

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